
We live amongst the tumbleweeds of dog hair in our old house in New Orleans. We are (in order of size) Adam, Jackson, Janice, Sam Pickles, Margot and Cosmo Felix.  

The Girl Herself

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Day Off

Yesterday, I had the day off work for Veteran's Day, so Margot and I got to get in some serious quality time. This is what's great about having a young baby: a nice chunk of that quality time was spent at the Verizon store. I had to get my phone replaced (again, ug) so we just set up camp while the Verizon people did their thing, and we played with some toys, had a bottle, and practiced walking around. It was great!  I may have been the first customer that store has ever seen who was in absolutely no rush to leave. 

Our life is not like that nearly enough. I feel like the thing that makes parenting the hardest is that pesky requirement to do other crap. Not to say that I don't ever want to do grown up things with grown up people, because I most certainly do. But wouldn't it be nice to completely shed the need to do anything on a timetable? At least for a little while? 

Ah, fantasies. Anyway, after the super fun Verizon store we hit the grocery to pick up some baby supplies and a bit of lunch for an impromptu picnic. We made a break for the park and Adam was able to steal away from work for a bit and voila! A heavenly family moment was born.

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