
We live amongst the tumbleweeds of dog hair in our old house in New Orleans. We are (in order of size) Adam, Jackson, Janice, Sam Pickles, Margot and Cosmo Felix.  

The Girl Herself

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The Rental

So the grand experiment has begun. We are now knee-deep in turning our rental apartment into a grandparent's paradise/occasional vacation rental. My folks came down this weekend and we made the trip to Target for those baseline household objects like trash cans, shower curtain rings, curtain rods, etc. Plus, they brought down a few pieces of furniture from Nashville that belonged to my grandmother. My mom is very excited that Margot will grow up around some of her namesake's favorite things. To say the apartment is starting to take shape would be overstating things a bit, but this whole venture is starting to look and feel real, and we're all pretty excited. 

Reader Comments (1)

We are counting the days until we become New Orleanians (at least for a few weeks). It will be wonderful to be able to participate in your lives yet, able to each have our "space" and our alone times. I can't wait to see Margot every day- even if it's just to sneak a quick snuggle in the back yard or go for a little walk after her day at "skool". I may actually begin to feel like a Grandmother! Yes....This will be Grandparent "paradise"....

September 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Papendieck

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